The Milroy's Measure

  • How long does whisky last?

    Have you ever saved the beloved dregs of a favourite bottle of whisky to enjoy on a rainy day? You might want to drink it sooner than you think. Here’s...

    Milroy's of Soho |

  • What grain is used to make whisky?

    Whisky is an aged spirit made from grain. On the face of it, it’s really rather simple. But dig a bit deeper and the materials that go into whisky are...

    Milroy's of Soho |

  • How is single grain whisky made?

    Grain is a lesser-seen but thoroughly delicious category of whisky. Grain whiskies are made all over the world, from Scotland, Ireland and the US, to Japan, India, South Africa and...

    Milroy's of Soho |

  • How is whisky made?

    Whisky is one of the most diverse spirits in the world when it comes to flavour. From light, airy grain expressions to deeply peated, smoky, earthy drams, there’s a depth...

    Milroy's of Soho |

  • What is bourbon whiskey?

    What started off as a simple way for farmers to make money from their excess crops has flourished into one of the world’s most exciting drinks categories. Bourbon has a...

    Milroy's of Soho |

  • What is whisky made from?

    Simply put, whisky is an aged spirit distilled from grains. We have a tendency to overcomplicate spirit production – but when it comes down to it, whisky is made from...

    Milroy's of Soho |